Sunday, March 7, 2010

Can't Help This Feeling....


I am currently plagued with a feeling of isolation.

I am tired of this feeling that I only have ONE friend, and that everyone else I know is friends with everyone else I know, but I don't get invited to anything. I don't understand how most everyone in my major has become great friends with everyone else, when I've been taking the same classes with them since Freshman year - and still, no one sits by me in class, no one offers to be in my group, no one wants to even consider being part of my circle of friends. I have made one semi-decent friend from my major, and it's nothing short of pathetic when I see all of these photo albums popping up on facebook of everyone I've ever had a class with hanging out with one another.

Gee, what a way to make you feel completely insignificant.

I have always struggled with this, and I have to ask you all - to those of you who know me in person, is there something I do when I make a first impression that immediately says, "Don't like me"? I don't understand why I have such a hard time making friends in person. Why am I twenty times more interesting when I'm not being myself, or when I'm cloaked by the internet?!

.... tired of feeling like I'm in first grade, and no one wants to be my friend,
GAH I feel so pathetic! I'm 21 and married, I shouldn't still be feeling like nobody likes me!

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