Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Craziness of Insomnia, and part two on Fortune Cookies

Ever had a night where, no matter what you did, you just couldn't find yourself falling asleep?

Doesn't matter how tired you are, how upset, angry, happy, elated, horny, etc, you are - you just can't get to the peaceful REM cycle.

Personally - I hate that feeling.

I wonder what to do with myself when the night gets longer and longer, my day creeps up on me in front of my eyes, and I just can't close them long enough to feel comforted by sleep. Instead I just stay up, research the most random things (tonight, part of it was human chimerism, a very interesting occurence where two embryos within the first four days of fertilization fuze together into one fetus, literally accruing two DNA sequences into one, normally functioning body) and try to expand my brain power while it's running at that "just asleep enough to remember everything I couldn't earlier in the day" stage.

That, and of course, listen to obscene Robin Williams jokes and Stephen Lynch songs, and recall the punchline so I laugh two minutes too early, making Steve look at me with that "you are very strange to have found that funny" look he gets. =D
My favorite is listening to "Superhero" by Steven Lynch, the 12 minute, two-part YouTube clip of it. Hilarious!

Do any of you have better ideas of what to do with your time when it gets too late to focus on a book, but you're too awake to eat or play a game?

The second half of my research tonight is part two of the Fortune Cookie post -

How a fortune cookie is made:

Some cookies are made with so few ingredients that they are incredibly soft and plyable when they are first removed from the oven; since Fortune Cookies are only made of flour, sugar, oil and eggs *nothing that would cause the cookies to change or rise other than cooking the egg to keep it all together* they are simply the four inch rounds they were when they first went into the oven.
Because they come out as essentially their "raw" state, they are able to be moved into the classic fortune cookie shape, and that is when the fortunes are placed within the cookies.

Boy - that would be an interesting job, wouldn't it? I would want to be a fortune cookie folder!!!

Love to all - I need to snuggle my kitties and try my hardest to go to bed.
Amber =D

1 comment:

  1. Hope you got to sleep when you wanted to. Also, a never knew about chimerism!

    My pro-tip for sleeping, listen to rain...either real or pre-recorded works for me...unless you hate rain, then, know.
