Wednesday, September 30, 2009

There is no greater relief -

I truly have learned that there is no greater relief than to wake next to someone you love, and know they will still be there when you get home later that day, when you fall asleep that night, and when you wake again tomorrow.

I choose the word "relief" because, to me, that is exactly what it is. I will never forget the night I slept in the same bed with someone else, we didn't "sleep" together in that sense until nearly a year and a half later (when I married him.) But waking up that next morning, and still feeling his arms around me, as we tossed and turned all night pretending to be asleep but our hearts were both racing with excitement - - it was sweet, and perfect. Groggily crawling out of bed in the clothes we wore the night before, and having him put on his glasses that I hadn't seen in years just to drive me the block and a half home so I didn't have to walk.

It was a perfect morning.

I'm so grateful to have a perfect morning every day. =D
::feeling uber lovey dovey, sorry everyone::

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