Sunday, September 6, 2009

A new beginning - a new start - a new life ... ?

Hello all!

My name is Amber. I guess that's a cliche way to begin a first post, but I have to admit - I was a little lost on how to begin.

I used to be an avid blogger, writing this way and that - I am sure I have a few abandoned, blood-sucked blogs out there on the interweb of information. My favorite medium was the classic high school outlet LiveJournal, where I had more than a few journals going at once. The attraction? Journaling is a human's ultimate outlet of thoughts, feelings, and fantasies, and for someone who types like I do, it seemed like an easy way to get everything down.
Funny that now I say that when my internet at the time was the slowest dial-up I'd ever seen, =D.

I slowly moved from LiveJournal to Myspace, from Myspace to Hi5 (which I am happy to say I never actually used), from Hi5 to Xanga ... which I also never used. I did have a Blogspot, possibly even an abandoned Blogger somewhere in the mix. All of these were eventually hushed away for Facebook back in the day, when only college kids (with college emails) could register, newsfeed didn't exist, the format was easy to read, and no one had to worry about previous high school nightmares following them around, constantly bugging us to take pointless quizzes every ten seconds!
Ahh, those were the days ....

I do have a Twitter account that I rarely use, along with my ancient Myspace and Facebook. While my Facebook hasn't been deleted simply because it's my only form of communication with many "lost" friends, my old Myspace is that little piece of pride, when I could upload my music to the on-homepage player, and watch the numbers rise. I'll admit it's been almost a year since I looked at the playlist count, but I'm sure it's still stationary at about 500. =D

While this blog mentions "I" quite often, my hope is that this blog will help start a new beginning for my thoughts, and motivate me to leave some painful stings behind. I love online networking (you know, before Facebook and Myspace made it stalking,) and expressing thoughts - and even inviting debates.

Welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy. =D
Amber M. Powner

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